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South Dakota’s Medical Cannabis Experts

Dakota Green Cultivators is made up of a team of cannabis experts who grow and sell medical-grade marijuana throughout the state of South Dakota. Our medical cannabis products are grown using the cleanest and most nutritious soil while following the industry’s best practices. We are committed to providing the highest quality of cannabis products to medical cardholders in South Dakota. Exclusive products are available for purchase at our two dispensary locations in Fort Pierre and Belle Fourche, SD. As experts in the industry, we are able to assist cardholders in differentiating between the strains to find the most effective product for their unique needs.

man on marijuana farm

What Do We Offer?

From our farm to our dispensaries, our cannabis products are cared for exceptionally. We offer these products in a variety of forms, including flower, pre-rolls, edibles, concentrates, and more. No matter what form or type of cannabis product you are looking for, we have it. Our strains vary in THC, CBD, and terpene levels so that each patient has access to the chemical makeup that suits them and meets their needs. Not only do we sell medical-grade, high-quality marijuana, but we also offer individualized customer service. If you aren’t sure what product to purchase, our knowledgeable professionals are available to help guide you through our selection in order for you to get the product that benefits you the most. We have two convenient dispensary locations in Fort Pierre and Belle Fourche, SD where you will find our cannabis products for sale.

Meet Our Team

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Nevada Ellison

Nevada Ellison is an owner of Dakota Green Cultivators and is the Chief Operating Officer.. He was born and raised in South Dakota and is a long-time advocate for medical marijuana. Nevada is a fifth generation South Dakota farmer.and has extensive knowledge for strong organic plant growth. This knowledge is crucial for cannabis cultivation and includes plant biology, growth cycles, organic pest control, beneficial microorganisms, fungi, and nutritional requirements. Nevada has previous cannabis cultivation experience from 2008-2011 when he was Lead Grower at a medical cannabis cultivation facility in Colorado. He started cultivating CBD flower under the North Dakota Hemp Pilot Program in 2017 and currently distributes wholesale CBD flower and products in North Dakota,, Minnesota,, Montana, and South Dakota. Nevada is dedicated to cultivating the highest quality cannabis for medical marijuana patients.

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Jake Johnson

Jake Johnson is an owner and Chief Executive Officer for Dakota Green Cultivators. Jake grew up in Ft. Pierre, South Dakota and graduated from T.F. Riggs High School in 2006. After high school he attended Black Hills State University in Spearfish, SD. He graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with specialization in Entrepreneurial Studies. Jake then moved to Williston, North Dakota to help his family build and manage a large real estate development. After marrying his wife Tara in 2012, he moved back to Rapid City and started his career as a Real Estate Agent with The Real Estate Group. In 2018, Jake became a Broker with Dupont Real Estate. A year later he opened a second real estate brokerage in Pierre where he manages 5 agents who work the central South Dakota real estate market. Through his experiences in real estate, Jake has learned how to operate in a highly regulated industry. Jake is known as an energetic real estate agent who specializes in listing and selling corporate owned properties, first time buyers, and move up buyers and sellers. Jake has also invested in several commercial real estate ventures in Rapid City and western SD, including Townhouse Motel in downtown Rapid City. In May 2016, Jake and Tara welcomed their son Benjamin to the world. In June 2019, Jake and Tara welcomed daughter Clara June. Jake's wife Tara, a lifelong Rapid City resident, is currently employed as a speech pathologist at Corral Drive Elementary in Rapid City, where she has worked for the past 12 years. Jake is a proud father, husband, friend, and entrepreneur.

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Brian Brooke

Brian Brooke is the Lead Indoor Cultivator at Dakota Green Cultivators. He is 45 years old and has been a Spearfish resident for 16 years. He previously worked as a real estate agent and has 6 continuous years of cannabis cultivation experience. Brian is the father of 3 wonderful kids and his wife Mandy is a nurse at the Fort Meade VA Hospital. Brian is a lifelong cannabis enthusiast and is committed to growing the best quality cannabis to care for the medical marijuana patients of South Dakota. He described the indoor cultivation facility as “Medical grade cannabis locally grown for card holders by card holders. Hydroponically crafted indoors under LED lighting using Athena PRO Nutrients & Reverse Osmosis water. Our team of highly skilled and dedicated cultivators are proud to provide South Dakota with terpene rich medicine boasting the perfect balance of THC and CBD levels.

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Brandon Manger

Brandon Manger (Mango) is the Lead Cultivator and Project Manager for the Dakota Green Terp Ranch. He specializes in organic living soil and regenerative ag practices. He loves cultivating in mixed light greenhouses as he believes the sun is the missing ingredient for proper genetic expression and "greasy" terpene profiles. He has put his heart and soul into the cannabis industry for over 15 years and is extremely grateful to bring craft sungrown and mixed light cannabis to the people of South Dakota. He believes the Dakota Green Terp Ranch will do its part in increasing the health of this state "one plant at a time." Brandon is a South Dakota native, father of two beautiful children, Willow and Cedar, and husband to his queen, Jenah. They enjoy fishing for massive northern pike, rock hunting and exploring the land whether it's on foot, in a boat, or on a snowmobile or snowboard. When asked about what his favorite part of the cannabis industry is, Brandon replied, "The patients. It's all about providing the safest alternative medicine to the patients. I'm here to be a steward of these plants so they can in turn provide relief, which I believe is a form of love that we can all share together through these plants."

Our Commitment to You

Dakota Green Cultivators is a local company run by South Dakotans, for South Dakotans. We are dedicated to providing the cleanest and most effective cannabis products to South Dakota medical marijuana patients. We grow and develop consistent products that you can rely on. Our customers choose us because every single product that we sell is of the highest quality possible. We are committed to creating honest, organic products that are sure to give you the relief you have been searching for. The plants that we grow at the Dakota Green Terp Ranch, whether cultivated indoors or outdoors, boast the best smell, look, taste, and efficacy. Visit us today and try our products for yourself.

Contact Dakota Green Cultivators Today!