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Medical Cannabis Dispensaries in South Dakota

Dakota Green Cultivators has two different dispensary locations in South Dakota. You can visit us and shop our medical cannabis products in Belle Fourche and Fort Pierre. If you are a medical cannabis cardholder in South Dakota, you can shop any of the medical marijuana products we sell at our dispensaries. Our dispensaries carry exclusive flower strains, edibles, concentrates, pre-rolls, and more types of medical cannabis. Since we grow our own cannabis and make our own products, you have access to a large selection of cannabis merchandise at our dispensaries. Whether you are looking for a Sativa, Indica, or hybrid product, you can find it at our dispensaries.

Redwater Cannabis Care

19075 US 85 Belle
Fourche, SD 57717


Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Yellowstone Cannabis Care

1005 Yellowstone Street
Fort Pierre, SD 57532


Hours of Operation
Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Our Dispensary Locations

We have two dispensary locations. One is located in Belle Fourche, SD and the other is located in Fort Pierre, SD. These two convenient locations feature products cultivated by Dakota Green Cultivators. At either dispensary, you can find our products being sold at great prices. We have taken the time to grow and create only the highest quality cannabis in order to produce reliable, effective, and consistent products. When you visit one of our locations, you will be met by friendly staff who are more than willing to help you find what you are looking for. If you are unsure of what type of product will most benefit you, our team will discuss your needs and help you choose a product that suits you.

Shop Medical Grade Marijuana Products Today

Our dispensaries are full of great products. We create and sell a large variety of medical cannabis products in order to meet all of our patients’ needs. Whether you are looking for something with a higher THC content or a CBD product, we will have a product that meets your qualifications. When shopping our selection at our dispensaries, you will find locally-grown cannabis products. Our dispensaries feature cannabis merchandise that has been grown in organic soil that is free from heavy metals, pesticides, and GMOs. We strive to provide only the best types of medical-grade marijuana products. If you are a medical cannabis cardholder, stop by our dispensaries today to check out our great selection of medical marijuana products.

Contact Dakota Green Cultivators Today!